Sunday, June 2, 2019

June 1, 2019 - out for an afternoon drive...

Made a loop, a longer loop than I was anticipating, from Astoria to Olney, Jewel, Marshland, Svenson and back to Astoria.  Roads that Google said went through...didn't.  Going inland led to the sun and some warmer temps, 73 degrees woot woot!  Everything is very green this time of year.  The roads are full of curves and few places to pull over so not as many pics as I would have liked to take.

Elk with a calf.  They were pretty far away but from the road I could see the cow and some little thing close to her.  Love a zoom, wished for a longer one.

About the time I was wondering when this drive would end I came over the summit and was greeted to a beautiful vista.

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