Tuesday, April 13, 2021

 April 13, 2021...Arizona

So, I was asked to help out and take someone over the border for dental work.  It required my also going for an appointment.  Did some sight seeing and got some cool pics:

Referred to as the center of the world...yeah was wondering how they decided that too.  It has a history of the world etched in granite for the benefit of future generations.  Was a bit wacky at first sight but upon reading the website was some place that would be kinda cool to explore had it not been for the hot weather.  The arm points down the center, goes to the pyramid and another building up on a hill.
Nope, not my favorite picture either.  We were out exploring, trying to find a ghost town when this guy was lying across the road.  Upon exclaiming that it was a snake we backed up and were treated to this snake in all its glory.  They are pretty, but....it's still a snake!

The park we are staying in has a lot of interesting sights to commit to photo.  Plus it is the time of year that cactus of all sorts are blooming:

Ok this was quite a sight, a delipidated old tree with shoes hanging all over it!  There is one in eastern Oregon too, it is the sight of a geo cache.

Ok, Kayoe (whoever you are), here is your 5 minutes, er, maybe 5 seconds of fame on my blog.

An egret is not exactly a novel sight for anyone, but they are amazing in their design, such a skinny neck.  It was an unwelcome visitor for a pair of humming birds. Had not noticed the little speck of red in the tree.  I had noticed the less colorful one in the photo below.  (Doesn't that look like the most dejected hummer you have ever seen!)                              👇

It was only after seeing my pics that I saw the splash of red as they went after the big bird, an example of courage. (Almost out of frame, left of center at the top.) Putting them on a bigger screen revealed that it had been there all along.

People putting their personality into their outdoor decor.

And with that we say adieu!