Sunday, February 28, 2016

HELD HOSTAGE...IN A POOL....A COLD POOL! - February 28, 2016

Minding my own business, focusing on being in the moment, watching the fading light and the shimmer of the water as I swam from one end to the other, listening to the sounds of the night and BLAM! 

There it was and I was now fully in the moment and getting a cardio workout without moving.  The vicious creature stared at me as I stared at it.  I did the only thing that I could think to do and that was to yell "shoo! shoo!".

My efforts had no effect on the creature.  So, the next thing that  came in to my head was to splash water its direction.  My efforts were having no effect at all, instead of running away like any wild creature should it proceeded to walk the rim of the pool getting closer to me.

I clapped my hands at it and alternated splashing water its direction and yelling "shoo! shoo!" and it stared at me, bending its body as if it would jump into the pool any moment.

Two men came along and this had no effect on my captor, it did not feel out numbered and my would-be saviors turned tail and went away leaving me to face my tormentor on my own.

I thought, well maybe it was ok, trying to remember if these creatures swam or not, thinking they probably don't but very concerned that this varmit was not at all bothered by people.

A couple came upon our scene and they just sat on their haunches and watched the bandit walk around the pool getting closer and closer to them.  I wanted to scream, like at a movie, "RUN!" waiting for it to ponce toward them. 

Finally my would-be hostage taker waddled away and I proceeded warily with my swim looking over my shoulder as I neared the edge.

In looking for a picture to include in the relating of my harrowing experience I found, much to my anxious dismay, they do like water!

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