Well we did run into some faces we knew and we met people who left a lasting impression. Many had made banners and many more pictures were taken. The drama acted by the Koreans was even more emotional than the one at our convention (hard to believe, but when the mom hits the floor in grief over David leaving...not a dry eye in the place!).
We had already starte the tears as small groups had gathered and were singing kingdom songs. As a Japanese couple came over and are in the Japanese sign language and a brother took our picture as we held up the international sign for "I love you". Then at the end of the day the waterworks were on full! The prayer ended and the music from the new songs started and the waving and the signs came up "See you in paradise" "We love you" "We'll miss you". As we were waving and clapping and the music was playing the brothers were huredly taking down the stage and banners and tents as we had to be out by 5:15 to allow another venue in.
The trip out to the bus took a long time as people were wanting another picture, waving, saying goodbye and crying! What an experience!
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