Day 3 of the Convention has ended and Sunday is upon us. How can we convey the feeling of an international convention of 60,000 of Jehovah's Witnesses from the far reaches of the earth? How can we express the hospitality and the warmth and the love of the local friends and the visiting delegates?
To start with we were told that typically Korean people will no attempt to make eye contact and if they do they will not smile and will not start us a conversation even if they are sitting right next to you (and when I say right next to you it is touching close). This is not the way with Jehovah's people. The Korean friends do not fit that "typical" description AT ALL!! These people are running up to us to ask to take a picture with us and ask where we are from and hand us a little gift (handmade items, bookmarks, soaps, magnets, pens). It is the same with the Japanese delegation.
I think I was mistaken for being one of the Swiss delegates as many ran up to me and wanted a picture but there was a bit of a disappointment on their faces when they found out my origin was the US. Nonetheless, we have greeted and been greeted by so many, bowed and waved and smiled to so many that when we walk the street of Seoul going to dinner we are bowing and waving and smiling to people on the street! Truly a theatrical spectacle!
The first day was Thursday and was a 1/2 day. It started out with some sprinkles. There were many friendly faces to greet us as we were led to our section in the stadium and told to stay till our lunches arrived. The sprinkles had turned to more like rain. Up with the umbrellas as we sat in our seats. Our lunches arrived and as we tried to balance our lunches on our laps and the umbrellas and try not to jump too high as the rain started running down the neighbors umbrella and onto our laps or backs or fronts we broke into hysterical laughter. The water was too much for our lunch bags and they started ripping and bottles and cans started rolling. Only in Jehovah's organization would so many people endure such things with laughter.
29 countries had delegates represented at this convention. Some wore ethnic dress and you could easily tell which country they were from. Aaron Baker got into the swing of things too. Here are some pics.
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