Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunny Sunday drives in Florida are dangerous....

It has been a challenge adjusting to life in Florida.  The six month mark has come and gone by a few days now and looking back it has been a bit of a bumpy ride.  Not only did the weather prove to be more of a challenge than anticipated but my own outlook had too presented some challenges.

Did I just say "some" challenges?  Well, that may be an understatement.  All of that has nothing to do with the title of this blog although it is the reason for the journey.  A trip to see in person the famous manatees proved an epic fail yesterday because of a storm that hit the area.  It closed down the bridge leading south to my destination.  The reason-wind.

As YOu

Image result for picture sky bridge st petersburg, fl
As you can see the center of the bridge sits pretty high. The video demonstrates how windy it was.  These birds had tried to take refuge on the backside of an island but did not completely escape the wind.  While it was a little windy when I left home, I was unaware of just how windy it was and didn't know they would shut down the bridge.  So back home did I turn tail.

The following day was a much better day and I set off admits not so balmy temps of mid 40s.  A sunny day, not much traffic, the radio on and feeling oddly peaceful (having sought some help with some of the plagues of heart, a major angst has been quieted-now if a couple of these others can go the same way) and my destination was reached.

The temporary refuge of the manatees.  Due to the water temps dipping into the 50's in the bay these creatures come into the rivers and particular spots are more of a draw such as near power plants that are near the water and cause the water temps to be warmer than elsewhere.  They are odd looking creatures but such a cool sight.

And before you start thinking "wow, she got some good shots",         truth be told-the first 3 are off of the information boards at the park. Scroll down for my pix.

The elusive manatee, lots of almost shots, shots of tails, just below the surface bodies or noses:

 The two above are the best shots I was able to get.  It was cold and a little windy and it was not a day they wanted to linger above water.

I did find a couple of more willing volunteers to pose for me:

Ok, I admit the gator is in a permanent pose. 

With my adventure committed to film I started back toward home.  This is when the dangers of a Sunny Sunday drive in Florida took a left turn, or rather didn't take a left turn, completely missed the turn and didn't realize the turn had been missed for about 40 miles.  Yes, that is typed correctly 4...0...40 miles!  It wasn't until I saw a sign for Tarpon Springs which is way north of home that the realization that daydreaming on a sunny Sunday drive can lead you to somewhere you don't intend on going.  Not only had I passed home by 40 miles but had missed my exit about 50-60 miles before realizing it.  Oi!

If nothing else it lent itself to a good story, perhaps one worthy of the "Life and Times ordinary person?!"