Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June 30, 2015 - Tuesday

I forgot to mention about Fort Leonard Wood that it was, and may still be, known as Fort Lost in the Woods.


From this google map you can see it is definately in the woods and having been lost in trying to get there, the name fits.
Anyway, my journey today was devoid of any road kill and filled with the potential for danger.  There was several storm systems between me and my destination - Florida.  If a car is traveling 65 mph and has to make it 95 miles to miss an oncoming storm traveling 45 miles an hour without running into the tail end of another storm, will said car make it?  Answer - NO, at least not entirely.  Had to wait out some rain at the Florida Welcome Center, who offers free orange juice.  I am now in Madison, FL - 3 1/2 hours from St Pete.