when I went snorkeling yesterday! Decided to go out a little

It was time to head back in and I turned to the shore in time to see a really large fish but as my eyes adjusted I realized it was a shark! Later found out it was probably a white tip reef shark. As thoughts raced through my head about whether I was suppose to stay still or swim like crazy I did both, of course not at the same time. Checked the surface to see if there was any fin coming at me as in my mind remotely I thought I remembered that sharks attack on the surface and checked under the water to see if I could spot it. Thankfully it was no where to be seen and I made it back to shallower water although my heart was beating pretty fast. The shark I saw wasn't quite as big as the one in the picture, which I got off the www, as I did not have the sense to take a picture when in the moment.
Back in what I thought was safer ground I heard some surface commotion. Poked my head up to find a surf kite about 10 feet away from me and the surfer getting dragged across the reef. He let his board go toward me so I grabbed it and waited for him to get free of the reef and returned it to him. He apologized for scaring me and went about getting his kite back up and on his board.
That was my adventure for the day. Four went to the build again and they have got the roof supports up (not exactly trusses but framing for the metal roof.) The days adventure for them included a brother who seemed to be a "Gomer Pile" strong on heart and short on experience and long on mishaps.
Well, take care! lj
dear lj, what in the world are you up to? My fears about sharks were totally unfounded. Please be caraful and stay close to the shore. Love Rosie